Understanding Redux in React js: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples by Pawan Kumar Medium

Now if the user wants to add another item to the cart, then they will have to click on the “Add to Cart” button next to the item. Given an initial state, with a specific list of actions in a specific order, it’ll always provide us with the exact same final state of the entity. Rather a reducer produces a new instance of the state with all the necessary updates. Well, an application has its state, which can be a combination of the states of its internal components.

Given the same object, they should always produce the same result. To summarize it, Redux maintains the state of an entire application in a single immutable state tree (object), which can’t be changed directly. When something changes, a new object is created (using actions and reducers).

Example: Redux Counter App

Prior to RTK, developers had to manually wire up Redux stores using a lot of boilerplate code. This included setting up reducers, actions, selectors, actions, and middleware just to get a basic store running. RTK handles these painful tasks by providing a set of utility functions that simplify the standard way you’d use Redux. Redux guides you towards writing code that is predictable and testable, which helps give you confidence that your application will work as expected. If the same state and action are passed to a reducer, the same result is always produced because reducers are pure functions. The state is also immutable, which makes it possible to implement difficult tasks like infinite undo and redo.

  • Based on the type of the action, we either need to return a brand-new object to
    be the new state result, or return the existing state object if nothing should change.
  • Redux Toolkit is the recommended way to build production apps with Redux, and is built on all of the concepts that we will look at throughout this tutorial.
  • We’ll talk about the other Redux-related packages as we go through the rest of the tutorial.
  • Redux Toolkit (RTK) is the official, opinionated toolset for efficient Redux development.
  • Everything is handled by Redux, which greatly simplifies the app and makes it easier to maintain.
  • Redux is a powerful state management library that complements React.js by providing a centralized store for managing application state.

The recommended way to start new apps with React and Redux is by using our official Redux+TS template for Vite, or by creating a new Next.js project using Next’s with-redux template. If an object (state) changes only some values, Redux creates a new object, the values what is redux and why it matters that didn’t change will refer to the old object and only new values will be created. You will see pure functions, anonymous functions, closures, higher-order functions and method chains, among other things, very often when working with functional JavaScript.

Introduction to React-Redux

Action creators are functions that create and return action objects. In addition to the “type” property, an action can have a “payload” property. The “payload” property represents the data that provides additional information about the action being performed. For example, if an action type is ADD_TASK, the payload might be an object containing a new task item’s “id”, “text”, and “completed status”.

what is redux for

Redux helps you manage “global” state – state that is needed across many parts of your application. Expo Router provides an excellent file-based routing solution with crucial features such as deep linking and native support. When using Redux with React, states will no longer need to be lifted up. This makes it easier for you to trace which action causes any change. We’ll be implementing a similar example to the login component above but this time in Redux. Remember, this data is not needed by the parent component, but because its children need to share data, it has to provide a state.

Redux Toolkit adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives

Redux is strict about how code should be organized, which makes it easier for someone with knowledge of Redux to understand the structure of any Redux application. This generally makes it easier to maintain, and also helps you segregate your business logic from your component tree. For large scale apps, it’s critical to keep your app more predictable and maintainable.

what is redux for

This “type” property is typically defined as a string constant to ensure consistency and avoid typos. We will also delve into Redux Toolkit, a collection of tools that simplify using Redux. But with persistence and practice, I eventually gained a better understanding of Redux’s key concepts and successfully implemented them in my projects. When I started learning Redux, I found it challenging to wrap my head around the concepts. Despite reading many online resources, I struggled to grasp the core ideas.

Redux Basics​

In Redux, dispatch is a function provided by the store that allows you to send an action to update the state of your application. When you call dispatch, the store runs an action through all of the available reducers, which in turn update the state accordingly. An action is an object that describes what changes need to be made to the state of your application. It sends data from your application to the Redux store and serves as the only way to update the store. Also, the store is the single source of truth for your application’s state. This means that any component in your application can access it to retrieve and update data.

what is redux for

Create a Redux store by defining reducers and combining them into a root reducer. Redux makes testing much easier because it uses functional JavaScript as a base, and small independent functions are easy to test. So, if you need to change something in your state tree, import only one reducer that is responsible for that state, and test it in isolation. It was inspired by Facebook’s Flux and functional programming language Elm. Redux got popular very quickly because of its simplicity, small size (only 2 KB) and great documentation. If you want to learn how Redux works internally and dive deep into the library, consider checking out Dan’s free course.

Here, we’ve first defined a reducer function using ES6 arrow function syntax. You can use the normal function instead of the arrow function if you want. In Redux, you use the store to manage and track the data that’s changing in the application. The above command will install the Redux library with version 4.1.0 to use in your project (which is the latest version at the time of writing this article). Redux provides a single store that you can use to manage a large amount of data.

what is redux for

Here, we’ll dispatch the actions that will make the reducer add 1 or
subtract 1 from the current counter value. In practice, Redux is normally used by installing the Redux packages from NPM, and the UI is created using a library like React. In this guide, we discussed the major features of Redux and how Redux can be beneficial to your app. While Redux has many helpful features, that does not mean you should add Redux to all of your apps. Besides logging, it has great DevTools that allow you to time travel actions, persist actions on page refresh, and more.

Redux uses pure functions heavily, so it’s important to understand what they are. Think of the store as a box with different compartments for different data types. You can store any data you want in these compartments, and it can hold various kinds of data, such as strings, numbers, arrays, objects, and even functions. The first if condition inside the reducer function will be executed. It will increment the state value to 1 which was initially initialized to 0 using ES6 default parameter syntax.

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